Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Letter Commentary: The Hamburg Letter

Years ago, I had a John and Cynthia journal that was basically what the blog is. To make things interesting and fun, I printed out the letter(s) so I could cut them apart and insert my commentary in between. When I started this blog a few short years ago, I debated to do something like this and thought, Why not? We only live once and it will be fun to do and read. Luckily, my commentary on paper is still the same as I think now whenever I see the letter circulating on the internet. 

I always wondered what Cynthia blanked out, "my little ___" WHAT??? What did John call her? It must've been either so dirty or so private enough for Cynthia to white it out. I believe it was even put on display, blotched out and all. Pity… Every time I see this, the more curious I get.
I believe he (and the others) did eventually see Astrid
John, relax, Dot wasn't moving IN with Cynthia, she was moving in the next apartment! But I gotta say, it's cute that he wanted to be alone with Cynthia.
This is where I feel that John was haunted by Stuart. Of all the deaths around him, Stuart's really did a number on John. 
Poor baby, John's tired and wanted Cynthia in his arms. Although, I wonder if John ever wrote to Cynthia while a groupie slept in his bed? I know, sounds disgusting and idiotic but I wouldn't put it past him.
Chocies, I am guessing it's supposed to be chocolates. Yoko did say he loved chocolates. Damn, dude, a throbber? Cynthia could blank out the beginning of the letter but not this? Well, on the upside, here's proof that the thought of Cynthia made John horny.
Ahhhhh! Well, well, well! Here's proof that Yoko was NOT the first person John wanted to dress coordinated with. Actually, Pete Shotton was the first but on the romantic level, Cynthia. Yoko isn't the original of John's ideas other than him changing his middle name from Winston to Ono (which didn't really work, John had to settle his name as John Winston Ono Lennon).
Heehee, Paul snores.
Awww, how sweet. Despite being in grief and being reminded of Stuart all around him, there were also great memories he had with Cynthia when she was there a year ago (April 1961). 
I know John used to send whatever money he earned performing to Cynthia for their future savings; John sent some money to his Aunt Mimi, too. Bet Mimi was somewhat happy.
During divorce negotiating for a settlement, John told Cynthia, "That's like winning the pools, so what are you moaning about? You're not worth any more." 'Effing a-hole! I think Cynthia should've used this part of the letter in her divorce from John to prove that she was worth something to him and his career. On another note: yum yum?
Aww 'I'm beat, my sweet'. Can't help but swoon.
Okay, in Cynthia's John book, she wrote that John drew the panties in the letter, but it's not here. Was it drawn elsewhere? 
Overall, John sure wrote I Love You alot, didn't he? Just about 4 months later, John and Cynthia would be married and expecting a baby.

Grand total
I Love You: 24
X (kisses): 9

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