Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Island Hopping

January 12 - 23, 1966
Maureen and Ringo leading the way with John and Cynthia behind through Heathrow Airport to board the plan to Trinidad & Tobago on January 12, 1966.

The Lennon and the Starkeys were neighbors and hung out just about everyday. Naturally they decided to take a vacation abroad. There's been talk that this trip was a distraction for George and Pattie's wedding to be private. It didn't really work... But, anyway, I don't think anybody complained about the idea to take a vacation! Someone told John about Trinidad and Tobago near South America as John was thinking of going somewhere warm, sunny, and quiet place to relax. On January 12, 1966, they departed from London Airport to Piarco International Airport, which took 12 hours arriving on January 13th.John, Cynthia, Ringo, and Maureen stayed at the Arnos Vale Hotel in Scarborough, Tobago. The following day, they went shopping where they bought steelpans, textiles, and knick-knacks. They also listened to local music.

An orange and yellow Italian glass vase bought while John and Cynthia were in Trinidad & Tobago, January 1966.
"This ornament was bought by John and myself (along with another in the shape of a fish which has since been broken). We bought it on the holiday island of St. Vincent with Maureen & Ringo. It took pride of place in our bedroom at Kenwood."
Cynthia, 1996

John, Cynthia, Maureen, and Ringo on the beach near their hotel in Arnos Vale Bay, Tobago, January of 1966

For almost two weeks, John, Cynthia, Ringo, and Maureen hiked the trails, visited other islands like St. Vincent and the Grenadines, went fishing, swimming, sight see - John even stepped on an urchin and had to get medical help to remove the spikes! At one point, while on the beach, they obliged the press with photos, hoping they'd be left alone during the remainder of their vacation. John, who apologized to the press for being late, and Ringo engaged with local fishermen, even pulling their boats to shore. After the press were satisfied with their photos, they took their leave; one journalist turned around for the final time to witness Ringo lifting his sunglasses to kiss Maureen while John was ducking Cynthia in the water by grabbing her ankles. While lounging at their hotel, they played Monopoly.

"We went fishing. John, Cynthia, Maureen, and I were on holiday in Tobago. We went fishing. That’s just what we did when we went on holiday."
Ringo Starr, 2013

John and Ringo with products from Monopoly while in Trinidad and Tobago, January of 1966.
"We were on holiday here. And we were having a good time. The four of us always went on holiday together. One time we went to the Spanish Islands. George and I went to Canada once. We were playing Monopoly here, and it looks like I won! I often won."
Ringo Starr, 2013

“On holiday, we always went with another Beatle.” 
Ringo Starr, 2013

"On one holiday- Maureen, John, Cyn, and I went to Tobago and John had just got contact lenses and he dropped one; it came out in the swimming pool. We spent about three house in the pool looking for this damn contact! We didn't find it obviously."
Ringo Starr, 2004

"We'd been already with Paul and Jane to Greece [in 1963], we buddied up for a while [the Virgin Islands in 1964]. And Maureen and I went with John and Cynthia to Trinidad and Tobago in 1966. I never really went on holiday with George."
Ringo Starr

Cynthia, Maureen, Ringo, and John sightseeing in Young Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines on January 22, 1966 
Photographed by Geoffrey B. Nanton

Near the end of their stay at Trinidad and Tobago, John, Cynthia, Ringo, and Maureen met up with Prime Minister Dr. Eric Williams and his daughter Erica at the Crowne Point Hotel. They had lunch and went on a hike, including visiting Bloody Bay and the North Coast. When hearing that George Harrison and Pattie Boyd got married on January 21st, they sent a congratulatory telegram. On January 23, 1966, they left the islands to return home in England.

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