Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Birth of The Beatles

 Publicity still photo of Stephen as John and Wendy as Cynthia in 1979's television movie, The Birth of The Beatles

1979; television movie
John… Stephen MacKenna 
Cynthia… Wendy Morgan

Based the early years of The Beatles on getting together, going to Hamburg, up until The Beatles going to America in 1964. I admit it's been a long while since I've seen the movie. It did re-air at one point in the 1990s when I was able to watch and record it on VHS. It wasn't bad, and I thought the portrayal of Cynthia was minimal yet fair. The movie was nice to their relationship.

Cynthia appears less than five minutes in the beginning of the movie, sitting in a sketching class with John at Liverpool College of Art. Paul and George comes crawling in, trying to get John's attention. Cynthia wasn't impressed, but John quickly sketched before leaving, giving Cynthia a kiss. 

John and Cynthia were walking outside of Strawberry Fields talking about John going to Hamburg and being apart. Despite being worried, Cynthia knows that The Beatles wouldn't be going anywhere if they just stayed in Liverpool. Cynthia wrapped John's head with her scarf to pull him in for a kiss.

There is a scene where Stuart finds John in his room in Hamburg, writing to Cynthia. Stuart told John he was leaving The Beatles.

Paul, George, and John were at Cynthia's apartment in Liverpool when Brian Epstein arrived with the news that they got a record deal with George Martin. Brian mentioned to tell Pete Best, but John, George, and Paul said no, they'd tell him. After Brian left, John, George, and Paul were in agreement (Pete's out, Ringo Starr is in).

After Ringo's first performance with The Beatles, they we're backstage with Cynthia, celebrating. But Cynthia's mind was elsewhere and John knew something was wrong.

Later on, John and Cynthia were alone, sitting. Cynthia was crying, telling John she went to the Doctor's the other day. She's pregnant. John asked if she was sure and was shocked. He told her they will have to get married. Their kids will have a proper home, a mother and father unlike him. John started comforting Cynthia, they hugged and kissed.
Paul, George, and Ringo greeted John coming in the recording studio after he had gotten married with a wedding march and a little ribbing on marriage. John had bought along fish and chips. 

After a concert, The Beatles held a party in a hotel room. John's Aunt Mimi and and was appalled by what she saw. After she left, John had second thoughts on celebrating while everyone started to watch television. John turned it off and demanded everyone to leave, much to everyone's shock. Cynthia tried to calm him but no use, he went alone to his room. Brian went to check on John.

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